Residents in Maids Moreton have joined forced with other campaign groups to oppose the build of 170 homes in the area.
A combination of 7 campaign have written a letter to leader of Bucks Council Martin Tett, urging him to take action on planning issues, and asking him to watch the Maids Moreton: Beyond the Boundary’ documentary on the matter.
You can watch the video here: https://maidsmoretonmatters.org/).
The letter has been signed by Maids Moreton & Foscote Action Group, The Buckingham Society, Hampden Fields Action Group, Risborough Area Residents’ Association, Winslow Residents’ Association, Locals 4 AONB, Bledlow and Keep Bourne End Green.
The action group were successful in forcing Bucks Council to take back the planning application to redetermine it a second time in April this year.
The planning inspector is expected to publish his report around the end of this month, when residents will know if the site of the proposed development of 170 houses beyond the long-established village boundary past Manor Park will be removed from the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan.