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A Kind Of Magic

Buckinghamshire Business Awards

We've teamed up with Buckinghamshire Business First to celebrate the achievements of companies across the county, and once again prove that nobody does business like Bucks!

Entries are now open for the Buckinghamshire Business Awards. So whether you excel at customer service, are great at growth, are champions in the community, or simple splendid in another aspect of business life, there's a category just for you. 

See all the categories, and their sponsors, below, and enter using the link. You could be joining us at a glittering awards ceremony at the Aylesbury Waterside Theatre in September. 


To enter, just click here. Closing dates for entries is Monday 15th May 2023 (9am), with the finalists announced in July. The ceremony will be held at the Waterside Theatre on September 21st, and will be hosted by Bucks Radio's Nathan Cooper.

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