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Bucks Council running their helping hand holiday service this Summer

The Council has teamed up with local organisations, schools and charity groups to provide thousands of places for eligible children and young people to enjoy a variety of exciting and interesting activities and experiences in their local area throughout the summer holidays.

These places have been made available as part of the Government’s national Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme. Available for children and young people who receive benefits-related free school meals with each session including a healthy hot meal. 

Details of the full range of activities available and how to secure a place, can be found on the website. Book early to avoid disappointment and to secure your choice – the take up is expected to be high! 

Anita Cranmer, Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Services, said:

“The Buckinghamshire HAF programme is a brilliant opportunity for eligible children to develop an existing skill, or hone in on something they may already interested in. 

“We know that the long summer break can be a source of stress and worry for some families. The HAF programme can provide some extra support where it is needed, by enabling children to socialise with friends, providing hot nutritious meals and helping children to learn new skills and keep active throughout the summer.”

“Our HAF places are always incredibly popular. I would encourage parents and carers to get their children booked on to their desired HAF clubs using the booking codes received from their children’s schools.”

Find out more about the council’s scheme and book your place here

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