The number of families waiting for housing in Buckinghamshire has risen by more than 500 people over a three-month period.
At the end of July 2024, there were 6,857 live applications on the housing register, Bucks Home Choice.
This is an increase of 530 compared to March this year, according to a new report by Buckinghamshire Council’s cabinet member for homelessness and regulatory services Mark Winn.
Between June and July 2024, the council let 166 social housing properties through Bucks Home Choice, a decrease of eight lets completed compared to April and May this year.
The council says on its website: “There is currently a very high demand for accommodation in the Buckinghamshire area and limited socially rented properties become available for re-letting each year.
“Properties are usually let to those with the highest level of need whose homes are no longer of suitable size or cannot remain in their current home.”
Applicants to Bucks Home Choice are told that they can expect to wait ‘several years’ for accommodation, especially those with larger families.
The council does not own any housing stock. Affordable housing in the county is provided by over 70 housing associations, also known as ‘registered providers’.
The council’s policy on how houses are allocated is being reviewed and a public consultation on the proposed changes closed on August 22.
Responses are now being checked before the final policy goes before cabinet on the October 8 and council on November 27.