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New dog training site to open in Bucks despite complaints of ‘incessant barking’

Friday, 9 February 2024 07:00

By Charlie Smith - Local Democracy Reporter

A new dog training site is to open in Bucks despite complaints of “incessant barking” from neighbours.

Suzanne Bullworthy plans to train groups of dogs at Post Box Paddock, Marlow Road, Cadmore End after Buckinghamshire Council planning officers approved her application to change the use of the equestrian site to mixed use for horses and dogs.

However, conditions state that the site must only be used to train dogs from Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm, and from 8am to 1pm on Saturdays and not during bank holidays.

In addition, dog training at the paddock must cease on or before the August 6, 2025, to protect against prolonged “noise and disturbance”.

Four letters of support for the dog training centre – all written by Miss Bullworthy herself – claim that a maximum of six dogs will be on site at a time and that issues like noise and dog waste “would be addressed”.

However, a string of local residents have complained about the potential noise from animals barking while being trained at the site.

One neighbour wrote: “I object on the grounds of noise. Incessant barking is inevitable and no measures to mitigate the noise are included in the application.”

Another added: “Dogs regularly being dropped off and collected will inevitably cause a considerable increase in noise pollution.”

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