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Nathan Cooper

10:00am - 2:00pm

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Crocodile Walk in Widmer End

Widmer End Combined School in High Wycombe are encouraging their pupils to walk to school with the help from a crocodile!

Widmer End Combined and Pre School in High Wycombe are encouraging their pupils to walk to school with the help of a crocodile! 

Crocodiles are organised walking buses that offer a way for children to travel safely to school without using a car.  

They can help to improve children's fitness, develop road safety awareness and reduce traffic congestion and pollution around schools.  

With more than 100 children taking part, Bucks Radio payed a visit to see the crocodile in action.  

The school is in the middle of a housing development, meaning it gets very busy with cars during drop off and pick up time. This has been a concern for residents, as it makes it difficult for emergency services to get down the roads.  

Head Teacher Gemma Hillier said: “We like to promote active living, active learning, get the children really physical, and just try and make sure that where possible children are walking to school rather than driving.” 

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