Tomorrow a fundraising walk will take place from Aston Clinton to Stoke Mandeville Hospital
Jessica Mitchell will be walking from Aston Clinton to Stoke Mandeville Hospital to deliver a tray of doughnuts to thank staff for caring for her son Dylan.
Sadly, Dylan died at 8 years old after being diagnosed with a brain tumour but tomorrow would mark his 11th birthday.
Last year, Jessica made the journey to deliver her son's favourite doughnuts and found out her aunt had also died from the same disease.
Funds raised from the walk tomorrow will go towards Brain Tumour Research.
Jessica's goal is to fundraise £2740 this year, which would allow her to sponsor a days research into the disease.
Please visit the following page for more information and the donation site.
Here's what Jess wrote on social media earlier this week:
In three days, Dylan will be turning 11, but he's not! 💔💔💔
He should be excitedly chatting to friends about his upcoming party, looking forward to our annual birthday visit to pirate golf, planning what to eat at Pizza Express, but he's not! 💔💔💔
I should be filling party bags, planning the final touches for his party, wrapping the last few presents, but I'm not! 💔💔💔
I should be buying party food, organising a cake, making sure I have the relevant candles, but I'm not! 💔💔💔
Instead I'm planning my annual memorial walk, #doughnutsfromdylan.
This year is even more poignant as it marks the first anniversary of my Aunt's death from the same hideous disease that took Dylan from us.
As with last year, I will be raising money for Brain Tumour Research. I know that times are tough so, I have low expectations but, if you could spare a pound or two, I would be beyond grateful.