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Are you looking for an opportunity to volunteer in the scouts?

In a recent survey, nearly 80% of people felt that volunteering improved their wellbeing. In the same survey, 80% of people agreed that their lives were enriched by giving up their time to help others, and nearly 70% said they had gained new skills and knowledge through the training they have received while volunteering.

Scouting is growing and Bucks Scouts are looking for volunteers to help with the demand from children and young people wanting to join.

With children and young people aged from 4 to 17 involved, there are lots of opportunities to use your skills or learn new ones and to volunteer with any of the sections or do a role in the background.

Their sections are Squirrels (4 to 6), Beavers (6 to 8), Cubs (8 to 10), Scouts 10 to 14) and Explorers (14-17). All sections are open to boys and girls. They are an inclusive organisation. They also have various roles in the background. These range from being a trustee, looking after the finances, IT, fund raising, admin etc. Whatever time you can give, they would be able to find a role for you. If you want to stay in your comfort zone, you can. If you want to be taken out of your comfort zone, you can.

Dwayne Fields, Chief Scout.

In a recent report by Steph Simmons she said, “Joining scouts will lead to lasting memories and thrilling experiences for your child which will expand their self-belief, helping them realise there’s nothing they can’t achieve, whilst having fun! Whether it’s camping under the stars, navigating obstacle courses, canoeing on a river, or participating in international jamborees, scouts enjoy an array of exciting activities that fuel their sense of adventure.”

Adult volunteer Nigel, said, “Volunteering with Scouts is a great opportunity to help young people learn and develop skills along with having fun and trying out new activities. It’s also a great opportunity to learn and develop new skills yourself, make friends, try new activities and take pride in seeing young people develop.”

He added “As volunteers we can help put the foundations in place. We then encourage the children and young people to build upon them as they try new activities and learn skills for life. Children and young people want adventure and we provide the opportunity to have those adventures.”

For more information about becoming a volunteer, please visit

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