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Nathan Cooper

10:00am - 2:00pm

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Emmett's Genies

The Bierton Run - 5k & 10k Races -  Sunday, 12 November 2023.

Entry for this years The Bierton Run - 5k & 10k Races are now open!

Prices have been frozen for the third year in a row, at £18 for the 10k race and £13 for the 5k race.

All finishers will receive a medal, goodie bag and for the first time, a finishers t-shirt!

This year, supporting Emmett’s Genies!

Enter here (external site)

Can you help make Worry Worms for Emmett's Genies?

They go into their Boredom Busting Activity Packs for critically ill children and are a very popular addition to the packs.

The charity has ongoing need as they regularly send out the packs. You can use any coloured wool, and then sew on the eyes! Here's a link that will help make them - (External link);.

When finished they can be sent or delivered to: 56 Isis Close, Aylesbury. HP21 9LY


Chartwell Manor Care Home, on Berryfields, are supporting Emmets Genies, the charity that brings some magic into the lives of children with serious or life limiting conditions. The Care Home are hosting a Summer Festival in their garden on Saturday 17th June, and are looking for bands to play on the day. If you’d like perform on the day, contact us and we’ll put you in touch.


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